Vacancies, Directors wanted & other adverts

LABBS Vacancies     Directors Wanted     Barbershop related adverts  

LABBS Vacancies

There are no "open" role vacancies at the moment, but the Events Team is always looking for volunteers! Please email if you would like to get involved. (Members check here for member roles

Musical Directors wanted

LABBS has a reciprocal arrangement with other UK barbershop organisations to publish director vacancies for any barbershop chorus in the UK.

Sometimes these vacancies are open to non-barbershop music professionals, although some understanding of the style would of course be beneficial.


Three Crown Sound - Hull 
Link to advert Link to advert

Junction 14 - Milton Keynes  
Link to advert Link to advert

Zero Degrees - Louth  
Link to advert Link to advert

Welwyn Harmony - Welwyn Garden City 
Link to advert Link to advert


Other organisations:

BABS -  Capital Chorus, London
Link to advert Link to advert


Other barbershop-related adverts:

None at present


To place an MD or other advert on the LABBS website, please email a suitable PDF, or text and photos, without mention of phone numbers, to