
The quarterly magazine for LABBS

VoiceBox is a quarterly magazine for LABBS members, about LABBS members, covering subjects of importance to LABBS members.  Clubs and individual members are encouraged to submit articles throughout the year and they will be included at the discretion of the LABBS VoiceBox editor.

Current edition

VoiceBox Summer 2024 VoiceBox Summer 2024
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available


Recent editions

VoiceBox Spring 2024 VoiceBox Spring 2024
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Winter 2023 VoiceBox Winter 2023
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Autumn 2023 VoiceBox Autumn 2023
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Summer 2023 VoiceBox Summer 2023
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Spring 2023 VoiceBox Spring 2023
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Winter 2022 VoiceBox Winter 2022
- ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Autumn 2022 VoiceBox Autumn 2022
 - ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Summer 2022 VoiceBox Summer 2022
- ONLINE edition - hardcopy available
VoiceBox Spring 2022 VoiceBox Spring 2022
- ONLINE edition - hardcopy available

View more past editions of VoiceBox  >>  (members only - on that page you can also find details of how to request hard copies)

Guidelines for submission of articles and advertising

Please read the Guidelines/Notes for Contributors (updated 2024)

Please submit your news and articles for the next edition to the editor: - voicebox@labbs.org.uk

Copy deadlines:

Please submit all copy by the last Friday in January / April / July, and the Friday following Convention.


From January 2020, adverts in VoiceBox will be charged at the following rates. A discount will be available for an ad run – detail to be agreed on application.
  LABBS* Others
Full page £65 £85
Half page £35 £65
Quarter page £25 £35

* LABBS rates are applicable to all LABBS members and clubs/quartets