Lost Passwords

Forgotten your password?

This page has been set up to allow LABBS members who have forgotten their password to have a "reset password" link emailed to their registered email address automatically.

This service is (naturally) only available to members with matching email addresses.

  • If you have not given your email address to LABBS for privacy reasons, please email the Membership Director on membership@labbs.org.uk with your details and give express permission for it to be used.
  • If you have changed your email address recently without telling us, please email the Membership Director on membership@labbs.org.uk with your new details so it can be updated in the central database.
  • If you have any other difficulties getting this reminder service to work for you, please email loginquery@labbs.org.uk for help, giving your full name, club/chorus and LABBS membership number if you know it.

If you have a current email address known to LABBS and would like your login details emailed to you:

  1. Fill in your email address below
  2. Click on the Reset password button
  3. If the details you entered are correct, a "reset password" link will be emailed to you instantly
  4. Check your email program for the message

If you would like an easier-to-remember password, you can change your password after you've logged in: At the very top of the site, hover your mouse over your own name, and then click Change my password.

Email address: