Joint Announcement from BABS and LABBS

Type of post: LABBS news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Rita Hulands
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 8 Jun 2022

It has been suggested that BABS and LABBS consider the possibility of merging into one organisation.  The boards of the two Associations have recently met to explore and consider this possibility and are informing their respective members about this preliminary move now as a matter of transparency and integrity.

Both Associations remain committed to the successful continuation of gender-specific singing as well as to the development of more mixed singing opportunities.   No final decisions or concrete plans have been made and both boards are committed to consulting with their members about this in due course.

The two boards will, for the foreseeable future, continue to work together as we have always done within the current structures. Any proposed future changes in these will be subject to stringent examination, including by professional advisors, and will be subject to the decisions of the respective memberships.  Meanwhile, the two boards are working together to understand the opportunities and concerns which may arise from any changes in the current situation.
It is appreciated that members will have many questions about this, and a Q&A document is attached.

Yours truly,
Alan Hughes                      Natalie Feddon
Chair, BABS                        Chair, LABBS


8th June 2022