Announcement from LABBS and BABS regarding mixed barbershop

Type of post: LABBS news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: David Kitchenham
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 3 Feb 2023

On Sunday 29th January 2023, the Boards of BABS and LABBS met to discuss the possibility of creating one combined organisation in more detail. We look forward to reporting more on these discussions at our respective Council Meetings in March (Sunday 12th March for BABS, Saturday 25th March for LABBS). 

One important discussion item was our provision of contests for mixed voice ensembles, and we are delighted to be able to give you more information in this linked PDF regarding the mixed quartet contest for 2023, which has also been agreed by our friends in SAI R31. This will now be known as 'The LABBS Mixed Quartet Contest in collaboration with BABS and SAI Region 31'. Likewise, the mixed chorus contest will now be known as 'The BABS Mixed Chorus Contest in collaboration with LABBS and SAI Region 31'.

The changes detailed in this document align the mixed quartet contest with the LABBS single-gender quartet contest in a more inclusive way, and also provide a clear pathway for British mixed quartets to qualify for the BHS International Quartet Contest in July 2024. 

We look forward to providing our members with more updates in due course.

In harmony

Alan Hughes & Natalie Feddon

(BABS & LABBS Chairs, respectively)