LABBS Articles of Association and Annexes

LABBS is registered as a charitable company with the Charity Commission for England and Wales,

The registered charity number is 1151161
The company number is 08380019.

website link
Charity Commission's website: overview of LABBS

The Articles of Association is LABBS governing document and can be viewed at the link below:

Articles of Association Articles of Association

The Articles of Association and Annexes together make up the constitution of LABBS 

These govern the way the organisation is run. The Articles of Association is the over arching document and the Annexes cover specific areas and set out how they shall be managed in more detail. . 

Annex 1 Association Rules Annex 1 Association Rules

This annex covers procedures for board and council meetings and the  general conduct of members. 

Annex 2 Board of Trustees Annex 2 Board of Trustees

Annex 2 sets out rules about the membership of the Board of Trustees and the roles of the various officials. 

Annex 3 Membership Rules Annex 3 Membership Rules

An annex giving detailed rules about individual membership and club membership,

Annex 4 Contest Rules Annex 4 Contest Rules

This Annex contains a link to the contest rules section of this website. (You can go straight to the contest rules page).

Annex 5 Education and Judging Sub Committee Annex 5 Education and Judging Sub Committee

Our last Annex details the make up of the Education and Judging Sub Committee and its terms of reference.